Making Head Knowledge Heart Knowledge

I have to admit, this was a hard blog post for me to write because this is something I struggle with ALL.THE.TIME. I rewrote my words too many times, hoping that I could eloquently convey my message. Instead, I am afraid this will be raw, rough, and entirely too honest.

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Devo: Water’s Cleaning Power

After a Thanksgiving that was busting at the seams with family, laughter, and even some tears during heart-to-hearts, I had quite the sink full of dishes to do! Most of the dishes had been rinsed, which made cleaning them easy, but there were a few with maple syrup and other foods caked and dried onto them. It made me think…

Imagine washing dishes without water.

You could rub and rub for hours at the grit all over the plates and silverware, but getting it totally clean? That would seem impossible.

Ephesians 5:26 says that God cleanses us “by the washing with water through the word.” 

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