I need Him…

I am so in awe of who God is. He is SO good to me. His provision is astounding.

I’m learning how to walk day by day trusting and relying on Him financially…and I don’t like that. I’m a planner and I like to know exactly what’s going on and that I can take care of it. But I realized today that having to trust Him day by day helps me remember that I need Him for my every breath. I’m not my own provider; He is my provider. And He ALWAYS comes through. He’s so faithful.

I’m so grateful not only for His provision, but also for the fact that He’s stretching me. That He’s putting me in a place where I can’t forget about Him; where I can’t forget how much I need Him. He’s protecting me from myself and my pride once again. And in the midst of it, I know that He is SO GOOD.