New team member on board!

IMG_20130820_173544Guess what!! Next week my lifelong friend Joanna  (who I’ve mentioned before) will be joining The Insatiable Quest for Beauty team!!! (Read her bio here!)

I. Am. So. Excited.

Okay, let me tell you a little bit about Joanna, because we go way back. Like, WAY back. She was practically my big sister growing up, and we’d try to sneak home with each other’s families, thinking that if we swapped outfits, our moms would never notice. (Right.)

Okay so number one Joanna LOVES SPY SHOWS. So obviously we’re kindred spirits.

Number two she LOVES COFFEE. Obviously on the same page.

Jo and me on Virginia Beach in 2006!

Jo and me on Virginia Beach in 2006!

Number three she LOVES TRAVELING. And has gone with me to tons of events, helping me set up, tear down, etc., etc., etc… As well as taking road trips to visit beaches and friends (in that order). That’s what we did all through college.

Number four she LOVES SHOPPING. Can you say road trip to outlet malls? Yup. Done tons of those. With the most amazing Harry and David’s licorice as our snack along the way.

Number five she’s helping me book events for this spring’s tour!! Did I mention that yet?? I’m SO EXCITED. She’s super awesome and I can’t wait for her to start slowly taking over the booking.

Wearing big, fun hats in 2008!

Wearing big, fun hats in 2008!

Starting with cold calls. (*shivers* she actually is good at that stuff!) And then from there, maybe I can eventually sucker her into doing all of the booking…muhahahaha… (Don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

Okay one last thing, and then I’ll stop. I just have to brag on her artwork for a minute. She is so incredibly talented and creative, but hides all her paintings so you’d never know! Seriously. If you ever meet her, or if you talk with her on the phone, ask to see some of her paintings. UH-MAZING.

So all that to say: Welcome Joanna Pape!

Want to check out her bio on the website? Click here!

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