Fresh Starts Come More Than Once a Year

by Julia Robison





I got back to my house right before the ball dropped, and my dad had the great idea of toasting the new year with orange juice! Whatever you toasted this New Year, let’s have our first candid conversation of 2017. Oh, and by the way, Happy New Year!!

First, let me introduce myself:
Hi! My name is Julia. I am an ordinary girl loving and serving an extraordinary God. I am a sophomore psychology student in sunny southern California, trying to balance my desire to study with my desire to go to the beach! I am a lover of doughnuts, all things peanut butter, sunsets, and great conversations over beautiful cups of coffee. I’m excited to walk this crazy jorney called life together with you!


So, wow, I love the new year and its promise of a fresh start:

  • brand new music coming from favorite artists,
  • new hair styles (cause you know — new year, new hair),
  • and so many donuts yet to be eaten!

Many people see fresh starts as a chance to become who they’ve always wanted to be, which is why many make “new year’s resolutions.” Whether our resolution is to work out 4 times a week, drink less coffee (or more coffee), or wake up earlier, we want to make a change.

I, however, am not someone who can stick to a resolution.

Honestly, I end up forgetting I ever made it, or giving up two months in… which led to a personal “revolution” (if you will) about new beginnings. It all started during finals week in December…

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